The Dana Point Boaters Association advocates preserving, enhancing, and expanding affordable recreational boating. We work to improve the family-friendly atmosphere and the breadth of water-oriented activities we enjoy in our beautiful Harbor. We serve as a watchdog by ethically protecting the rights of all boaters and representing them when collective action is most effective. We actively gather information and communicate our views to educate boaters, external interests, and public officials. We build and maintain constructive working relationships to identify and achieve common goals with other harbor stakeholders. We will pass on our Harbor to the next generation of recreational boaters in better condition than it is today.
Our overreaching goal is to ensure that boaters are represented at the table when decisions are being made, that boaters' perspectives and interests are fairly represented, and that Dana Point boaters always receive full and proper consideration in the decision-making process.
The Dana Point Boaters Association (DPBA) operates as a California Not-For-Profit IRC §501(c)(4) Corporation, reflecting our commitment to the community's well-being. As our sole financial support, we welcome donations from families passionate about safeguarding diverse recreational boating activities within the Harbor, such as kayaking, paddleboarding, sailing, and powerboating. By contributing, you directly impact our ability to address and surpass the needs of recreational boaters. DPBA actively collaborates with various stakeholders, including businesses and government entities, who, like boaters, share a stake in Dana Point Harbor's future. Together, we work towards achieving the best outcomes for the Harbor and its vibrant boating community.
Effective Recreational Boating Boater Advocate
The Dana Point Boaters Association has been the outspoken voice and always vigilant advocate for recreational boating interests and needs, since well before our formal incorporation in March 2007.
Your support and donation allow these efforts to continue. Our Harbor is in a period where commercial developers and their lobbyists have focused government attention on commercializing a public harbor, including proposed expansion into historically dedicated recreational boating use areas. Recreational boaters' interests need attention, too! DPBA is the voice which steers the attention back to the boaters and the public's needs. Sometimes, it takes demanding fair boater treatment when those in decision-making roles get distracted. That's what we do.
Wide Ranging, In-depth Recreational Boating Analysis and Information
The Dana Point Boaters Association provides online access to extensive research reports, study findings, and other documents of importance to Dana Point boaters. These materials are often a direct result of our extensive research efforts to understand the background of each issue where we strive to represent our fellow boaters. Publications are specifically intended to assist all Dana Point recreational boaters in understanding local and regional issues, furthering their boating interests, and developing well-informed and independent opinions on the issues of the day.
Periodically, DPBA holds general meetings to present and discuss issues of particular importance to boaters. When circumstances make such an action appropriate, as was the case with Possessory Interest Taxes (PIT), DPBA provides and arranges to provide detailed information and online forms and process narratives to facilitate the legal process. When issues arise that make an open boater forum appropriate, we provide the sometimes-costly venue, as well as the agenda and speakers appropriate for this important activity to be of maximum value to boaters.
Innovative Boater Focused Programs
Our Boater Liaison Program has become a truly effective means for boaters to trigger solutions to specific issues and problems they face, as well as a means to express opinions regarding harbor improvements, whether they be large or small.
For those of you who have attended our General Meetings and have stayed abreast of harbor activities via our Boater Blasts and eNews Blogs, you know that we've had some significant past accomplishments:
- In 2023 – (Since 2009) Awarded the Spirit Award: Presented the Spirit Award for best theme at the Annual Holiday Boat Parade, recognizing and celebrating the creativity and spirit of our boating community.
- In 2023 - We Hosted the First Annual Poker Run Event: Organized and executed the inaugural Poker Run Event for Dana Point boaters, fostering community and camaraderie.
- In 2022 - Legal Action Coordination: Effectively coordinated and facilitated funding for the class-action lawsuit against DPHP, ensuring boaters' rights are protected.
- In 2022 - (Since the slip rate increase in October 2021) - We have routinely checked with the Orange County Executive Office to confirm evidence of financing for the revitalization of Dana Point Marina by Dana Point Harbor Partners.
- In 2021 - (Ongoing) Advocated Against Unfair Price Increases: Successfully raised awareness among County Supervisors, the Dana Point Harbor Partners (DPHP), Dana Point boaters, and the Orange County public regarding the outrageous price increases imposed on boaters in 2021.
- In 2020 - (ongoing) - Your Dana Point Boaters Association along with trailer boaters have challenged the City of Dana Point and Coastal Commission regarding the REDUCTION and parking space sizing of Day-Use Boater Parking.
- In 2018 - Updated the 12 Guiding Principles created in 1997 by Tom Wilson, 5th District Supervisor, by collaborating with the Dana Point Harbor Advisory Commission to guide the revitalization project with DPHP.
- In May 2017, the Dana Point Boaters Association proposed the DPHAC to 5th District Supervisor Lisa Bartlett and OC Parks leadership. We did this to create a forum for public discourse and consideration of issues affecting Dana Point Harbor. We believe this to be especially important as the County prepares to hand over the redevelopment and operations of our Harbor to a private developer/operator under a 66-year master lease.
- In 2014, your Dana Point Boaters Association is working in parallel with OC Dana Point Harbor (OC DPH) and the California Coastal Commission (CCC) toward finding resolutions for the non-compliant sections of their (CDP) Application which is now under Appeal with the California Coastal Commission (CCC).
- In 2014, your Dana Point Boaters Association testified at both the City of Dana Point Planning Commission and City Council Meeting to raise the conflicts between the submitted CDP Application and the actual Dana Point Harbor Revitalization Local Coastal Program (LCP). Your Association wrote many letters, submitted data, and gave testimony over the non-conforming areas of OC Dana Point Harbor (OC DPH) and Dana Point Harbor Revitalization (CDP) Application. These issues were brought before the City of Dana Point Planning Commission, City Council, and California Coastal Commission.
- In 2014, your Dana Point Boaters Association worked countless hours reviewing OC Dana Point Harbor's Coastal Development Permit Application (CDP) in preparation for the City of Dana Point (CDP) Application Submission. We also had many hours working with OC Dana Point Harbor (OC DPH) over the concerns of Recreational Boaters and other Harbor Stakeholders.
- In 2014, your Dana Point Boaters Association once again successfully convinced OC officials to waive a general slip and dry storage slip fee rate hike in Dana Point Harbor, for a 6th year in a row. Unfortunately, in 2013, the Dana Point West Basin did receive an equalization of pricing to match the Dana Point East Basin.
- In 2014, your Dana Point Boaters Association has continued its Boater Liaison Program (BLP) which continues to bring to light many situations, ideas, problems and suggestion that we bring to the table with OC Dana Point Harbor, Dana Point Harbor Patrol, Marina Company's and other Stakeholders.
- In 2013, the Dana Point Boaters Association introduced the Boater Liaison Program (BLP), which has drawn attention and praise from the entire harbor community, as well as the many participating boaters, as dozens of issues have already been addressed.
- In 2013, the Dana Point Boaters Association once again successfully convinced OC officials to waive a general slip and dry storage slip fee rate hike in Dana Point Harbor, for an UNPRECEDENTED 5TH YEAR IN A ROW.
- In 2012, the Dana Point Boaters Association successfully convinced fellow harbor stakeholders of the merits in eliminating all commercial business employee parking within the HarborHarbor on holiday weekends, further improving access to recreational boating resources.
- In 2011, the Dana Point Boaters Association successfully worked with Dana Point Harbor Management to establish a comprehensive harbor-wide holiday traffic and parking management plan, to successfully address various issues which had long prevented boaters from gaining full recreational boating enjoyment on busy weekends as well as during our infamous 3–4-day holiday weekends.
- In 2010, for an UNPRECEDENTED 2nd YEAR IN A ROW, the Dana Point Boaters Association successfully convinced OC officials to entirely waive slip and dry storage slip fee increases that were being proposed for all marinas within Dana Point Harbor.
- In 2009, the Dana Point Boaters Association successfully lobbied before the California Coastal Commission, the City of Dana Point, and the County of Orange, thereby triggering the elimination of a large commercial store and associated parking lot that had been planned to be placed at the main entrance to the Embarcadero Marina. This decision avoided a significant reduction in available Embarcadero surface area, an area that would have become unavailable to recreational boaters following reconstruction of the Harbor's commercial core.
- In 2008 and 2009, DPBA successfully argued at the local and California Coastal Commission (CCC) level for NO NET LOSS OF SLIPS if feasible following dock reconstruction, and a maximum loss of 155 slips. The proposal before CCC was a 477 net loss of slips.
- Also, in 2008 and 2009, DPBA successfully negotiated the net loss in the number of slips under 30 feet be reduced from 1140 to 324. Also, those boaters in slips under 25 feet be given preferential treatment following dock reconstruction.
- In 2009, DPBA successfully negotiated with OC DPH and County government, such there was NO RATE INCREASE FOR ANY SLIP OR DRY STORAGE BOATER in Dana Point Harbor during 2009. This broke a tradition of slip and dry storage almost every year since the Harbor was opened in 1971.
- For the 2008 tax year and forward, DPBA's agent gained a 30% reduction in PIT for all harbor boaters.
- In the 2007 tax year, DPBA's agent gained a 60% PIT refund for those members we represented.
- DPBA saved Dana Point slip and dry storage boaters $836,000 in Possessory Interest Taxes (PIT during the 2005 and 2006 tax years).
But we have so much more to accomplish! Your donation helps us help you.
Remember, just because you may be receiving our emails does not necessarily mean that you have done your part. If you are not sure or want to learn more, maybe even become more directly involved, you can always email us at DPBA BOD.
DPBA Board of Directors would like to thank you for your donation, as well as your continuing interest and support!